
Edward Tufte


Edward Tufte, “Envisioning Information”
Boring numbers

If the numbers are boring, then you’ve got the wrong numbers.

Edward Tufte, “Envisioning Information”
Convincing illustrations

Graphs, tables and calculations revealed in a presentation are the best of all possible results chosen expressly for advancing the advocate’s case.

Edward Tufte, “Beautiful Evidence”
Scales of measurement

Scales of measurement are part of the news , no matter what marketing department believes.

Edward Tufte, “Beautiful Evidence”
Richard Feynman test

Few presenters are saintly enough to provide their audience with competing explanations, contrary evidence, or an accounting of the full pool of evidence tapped to construct the presentation. But thoughtful presenters might at least privately test their analysis: Has evidence been filtered or culled in a biased manner? Do the findings grow from evidence selection? Would the findings survive the scrutiny of a skeptic or investigator of research fraud? What would Richard Feynman think?

Edward Tufte
