
Bogdan Kravtsov
No smoking (for Jurgis Mačiunas)

Jurgis (George) Mačiūnas was an artist, designer, composer, the leader of Fluxus. Mačiūnas was born in Kaunas, but since 13 years old lived in Germanby and USA.

A portrait of Mačiūnas by Ay-O is titled “One eye is enough” — it’s my case.
Peter Moore
“George Mačiūnas” (1976)
“One eye is enough” (1993)

Also Mačiunas was an asthmatic, like me, and was surrounded by “No smoking” signs.
George Mačiunas, George Brecht
“No smoking” (1973)
MoMA, New York
markers, pop-art, signs, translation