
Bogdan Kravtsov
Morphonology of the extraparadigmatic wordforms in Modern Russian

After the second year of studying, in the September of 2004 I was expelled from the Institute of Linguistics of RSUH because of an academic problem. I went to Tibet, came back in December, reinstated in the institute, during one term passed all the exams and in the June of 2005 defended the diploma.

In my work on the subject of “Morphonology of the extraparadigmatic wordforms in Modern Russian” the article by Andrey Anatolyevich Zaliznyak “About the possible relation between operational conceptions of synchronic decription and the diachrony” was cited in full. My speech lasted less than a minute. Here’s the transcript:

My name is Bogdan Kravtsov. I have compiled the dictionary of all extraparadigmatic forms of Modern Russian language. Those are prepositions, interjections and so on.

The dictionary contains more than 2000 entries. Every word is represented as a sequence of formatives. On the basis of this morphonological segmentation words were classified, and most of them turned out to correspond with the specific wordform of the specific paradigm of the specific declinable lexeme.

Those are described specially all the cases of the discrepancy of these morphological portraits and, at first, with the paradigmatic system and, at second, with their own etymology.

I’ve received the degree with distinction and an assignment to the Ph. D. program.